Xmonad and the Gimp


http://nathanhowell.net/ has a nice post describing a new xmonad layout forĀ  the gimp.

Read the full story.

One Response to “Xmonad and the Gimp”

  1. Newer versions of the gimp only have one panel not two, so a regular IM layout will work.

    But xmonad also floats all gimp windows by default. I use this to avoid floating the main two windows:

    managehook = composeall [
    gimp “toolbox” –> (ask >>= doF . W.sink)
    , gimp “image-window” –> (ask >>= doF . W.sink)
    , manageHook defaultConfig
    where gimp win = (className =? “Gimp” (fmap (win `isSuffixOf`) role))
    role = stringProperty “WM_WINDOW_ROLE”

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