Archive for January, 2009

xmonad on a quad headed display. Very cool. Courtesy @nickaugust

From now on we are going to announce new extensions from the xmonad-contrib library in this blog. Here are the first contributions of 2009. Try them out! ThreeColumnsMiddle by Carsten Otto A layout similar to Tall but with three columns, where the main window is in the middle. With 2560×1600 pixels this layout can be […]

Just a reminder: xmonad articles and tips are collected on twitter. See you there!

xmonad contributor sereven has kindly designed an xmonad keybindings cheatsheet, in the style of the famous vi cheatsheet. Enjoy!

xmonad 0.8.1 is out. It is functionally identical to xmonad 0.8, but adds tweaks to build with GHC 6.10 (which is now the default on some distributions). xmonad-contrib is also up to date. Meanwhile, work continues on the head branches, with many new improvements coming up for xmonad 0.9. If you’re using GHC 6.10, get […]